Friday, June 14, 2024

Random Tings

Someone went to Girl's Camp for the very first time and loved it.

Someone has braces now.

Someone is watching...always watching.

Someone is an unphotogenic weirdo. 

Wait. What?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

1-year-old Stats

With the arrival of Baby's birthday, it was also time for her check-up with the ol' doctor-roo.

Here's how our girl measures up these days:

Weight: 21.3 pounds - 72nd percentile
Head Circumference: 17 inches - 10th percentile 
Height: 29.5 inches - 62nd percentile

She currently has two small teeth on the bottom and one tooth on the top that is starting to come in.  Baby can pull herself up to standing and walk with assistance.  She can't walk on her own or balance without being held.  She is a pro at holding herself up against the couch.

Baby is very happy and loves to dance.  She starts shaking the moment music comes on.  She also loves to be held.  She sleeps through the night but is an early riser.  Booney could do without the dawn wake-up calls but I can't deny that she is an absolute joy.  

We sure love this little baby of ours!

Monday, June 10, 2024


Can you believe this?!

Seriously though. Can you?

I don't think I can.  Yet, here we are.

My youngest baby turned 1 and we celebrated in style with a pool party.  She happens to share her birthday with one of our favorite local cousins. He was turning 12 and he was happy to have a combined party.

Baby wasn't as gracious.

In addition, she didn't even really want to go in the pool.  Mykey was the picture of patience and stood in the water for an indecent length of time trying to acclimate the poor babe.  He eventually succeeded.

But only after he realized that his mobile phone was in his pocket.  His pocket that was submerged in water.  His pocket that was submerged in water for an indecent length of time.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.  

Well, Baby wasn't the only one receiving gifts on her birthday...Daddy gets a new phone!

No matter, we had a most delightful event.  We played in the water - (well...I didn't know...everyone else did), we ate pizza, we opened gifts, and we enjoyed cake.  

Baby took a while to warm up to the idea of smashing hers, but she eventually found her groove.  She ate her own slobbery mess while the rest of us enjoyed a chocolate creation made by my very talented cousin-in-law.  It was delicious.

Baby was gifted sunglasses, a little piano, an Inny Bin, and an offensive stuffed cougar from my cousin.  It's a shame she loves him.

Her favorite gift was a singing card from my parents.  It blasts "Celebration" by Kool and The Gang.  She won't stop playing it.  I have to admit that despite its annoyingness, I think it's adorable. 

I can't believe my baby is one.  We waited for so long for her to arrive and the first year breezed right by.  She is a true delight and the perfect completion to our family.

Happy 1st Birthday to my baby girl! 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Quick Trip

The day after school let out, we were on an airplane bound for the far away land of Idaho.  

It was an unplanned trip - Michael's mom is having health struggles so we flew in for a quick week to check in on her.  And a week really does go quickly. 

It wasn't a trip full of adventures.  It was a trip of family time. We spent most of our days visiting with Mykey's mom and my parents.  We did get to spend Memorial Day with my family and that was divine.  It used to be a big holiday for us when we all lived near each other.  My uncle showed up at the cemetery while we were there so that was a fun surprise. 

After visiting the cemetery, we had lunch at KFC for old time's sake. We also visited the grave of a kid from my Mom's childhood.  It was our first time going to that grave and it was a tender moment.  It was just incredibly nice to be with my family.

Other than that, it was very low-key.  Sissy went to the temple with her cousin.

My mommy worked on my dad's corns.  This has been a constant my entire life. Talk about true love.

Baby was busy with her chores.

And then was exhausted from her hard work.

As I think about my mother-in-law's health and the inevitability of her death sooner rather than later, I am grateful for my foundation in Christ.  It is peaceful to know that mortality is not the end - that God has plans beyond our comprehension for us once we leave this earth. It also reminds me how quickly life truly does pass.  

I'm trying to savor the moments more and be more sincerely grateful.

I'm also trying to fight less with Sissy.  It's a challenge.

My dang Viking blood runs hot.  

And I mean HOT. But I'll get there.

All said and done, it was a meaningful and lovely trip.  Idaho does it again.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

No More Teacher's Dirty Looks

And that is that.

Sissy has officially completed her elementary school career.  It was actually a bit of a challenging year.  Sissy missed 3 days of school the first couple of weeks because she was struggling. She didn't love her teachers and I agreed.  They were meh.  It was especially difficult because her 4th grade teacher was extraordinary. It's hard to go from great to meh.  

But we survived.  And Sissy did it all with exceptional grades.

We celebrated with dinner at De Texas Roadhouse and ice cream at De Freddy's Frozen Custard.

That was worth surviving 5th grade.

Middle school, here she comes!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Awards Galore

With the end of the school year slithering closer, we were invited to attend the 5th grade awards ceremony at Sissy's school.  Can you guess what happened when I saw my baby sitting there in the front row?

I cried and cried and cried.

Must be the hormoneees.

I was incredibly proud as I watched Sissy receive her awards - she had the most A/R points for the year in her class - 540 points. She also maintained straight A's for the entire school year.  It was medals and a trophy and a shirt and a water bottle and a string bag for Sissy. Wowza! Sissy also loved showing Baby off and we scooped up all the compliments with glee.

Like I said...lots of tears for Booney.  Happy tears.  Proud tears.  I-can't-believe-my-baby-is-leaving-elementary-school tears.

I curse those hormoneees.

And now it's official.  We're off to middle school.

Cue the sound of Booney's sobs.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Look What I Can Do

Baby is displaying new talents recently.

She's good at doing dishes.

And organizing pencils.

And helping Dad with projects.

And navigating stairs.

And taking inventory in the kitchen.

But perhaps her greatest talent is smiling.

She's got such a good face.  Would you look at this face?  Is this a face you could die for?

It is indeed. I sure love my baby girl!