Um….yeah. This seems like a good idea.
Nothin’ better than a juicy Dollar Tree steak.
How can you tell that your houseguests are boys aged 11 and 15? You look to see what the Word Whammer has to say.
You can also tell boys are near from the trails of strange and slightly unpleasant aromas that linger around your once pleasant-smelling home.
BUT…they will make you laugh hysterically.
Boys are great guests.
Oh, what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green?
Do you go to the beach?
Do you swim in the creek?
Do you play in the yard?
Do you go for a hike?
Is that what you do?
So do I.
We had a really great 4th of July. Mykey has been working long hours and it was a special treat to have him around for an entire day. We usually go to Idaho for the 4th so it was different to be home this year. But it turned out to be a grand celebration for us.
We began the day with a breakfast at our church building. There were a million and a half people there and as usual, we ended up at the back of the line. My fear of looking like a fatso who has to rush to the front of the line makes it so we are always secured a spot at the back. We were rewarded for not being fatsos with cold eggs.
There was a bicycle parade for the kids so we rummaged around at the dollar store and found some acceptable decorations for Eva’s bike. Here’s the collaborative decorating party:
We spent an hour telling Eva what we should do to make her bike look pretty while she screeched her replies that she didn’t want to implement any of our suggestions. (I fear this is foreshadowing for when we work on homework together. I think it’s time to revamp my parenting plan and omit the homework clause.)
In the face of not accomplishing my creative vision, I did what every competent and loving parent does; I convinced her my idea was what she wanted. This convincing may have included candy as a bribe. My efforts were worth it because her bike looked stinking cute in the parade.
We were going to go hiking after breakfast but Eva threw a horrific fit in the car on the way to the trail. I yelled back from the driver’s seat, “If you don’t stop that gall-dern hollerin’ then I’m-a-turnin’ this dadgum car around!”
She didn’t stop.
I turned the dadgum car around and went home.
Eva took a long nap while Mykey and I watched Netflix in peace. Then we went out for ice cream with sprinkles; Eva’s favorite.
We hosted a BBQ for some of our friends and enjoyed our own firework show in the street. Before every firework, Eva would shout, “I’m totally excited!”
It was a really nice day to celebrate our independence.
Happy 4th of July!
Eva graduated from preschool! Well…to clarify…she graduated from her first year of preschool. That girl has two more years to go. By the third year of preschool, I expect that she’ll be able to color within the lines while blindfolded and use four pairs of scissors simultaneously. If not, I’ve been bamboozled.
It was a fun evening celebrating our little girl. We dressed up and I combed her hair extra well for the event. The kids sang a few songs they had learned and then got to walk across the stage while their names were read. Eva didn’t participate in any of the singing, but rather stood there waving and shouting, “It’s my family! Look! There’s my Mama and Daddy!” She also spent a considerable amount of time picking her nose. I found that to be more adorable than the kids who just stood there singing away.
When asked by her teacher what her favorite part of school was, Eva replied, “Reading books!” I’m proud to be raising a smart one.
After the ceremony we went out for pizza. Eva rode the mechanical horse multiple times and I didn’t mind one bit. I figure a couple bucks in pony rides is a pretty cheap graduation gift. We also walked next door to Dollar Tree and let her choose out anything she wanted. I’m generous like that.
Happy Graduation to Eva!After nearly two years of miserably growing out my hair, I finally hacked that mop off. This beauty has been sent off so someone can have a fancy wig.
Sayonara and good riddance to you. I will not miss you one bit. Sorry, buddy.
I must be at least 16 pounds lighter. Time for a cookie.