Friday, July 28, 2017

Independence Day

If you want to have a really delightful 4th of July, go visit my parents in small-town Idaho.  It will take you a long time to drive there and you’ll be exhausted.


But once you arrive, it will be a spectacular trip.

You'll get to be in the parade.  If you’re Michael, you’ll use your position as candy-thrower to bean a defenseless woman in the face while she holds her baby.  If you’re a normal person, you’ll be a responsible candy-thrower. 

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You'll see cousins at the fireworks and have a million glow sticks to play with.



My dad will take you to watch a Chukars baseball game where he will buy you cotton candy AND a snow cone.  You’ll also get an autographed baseball while you’re at it.



Of course they’ll be lots of time to pet Dexter and to ride on your horse, Strawberry.  That horse will take you all the way through the desert, to Oregon, and Outer Space.  What an equine!  My sister Chris will even bring her cotton candy machine over and make you any flavor you want.



You’ll get to eat ice cream every night, have bon fires in the backyard, and you can watch my siblings do a triathlon together.


The only negative is that the trip will be over far too quickly and you’ll have to cram back into the car for a long drive home.  But, Eva is a great navigator and you won’t get lost along the way.


And you can take my niece home with you.  That may be the best part of all.


Well, that and the new baby doll my dad will give you.


Oh!  You simply must go!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Father’s Day

Eva and I adore the father in our house.  So we made him crab legs for dinner.


I think he liked them.


Eva answered questions in primary about why she loves her dad.  They are all excellent reasons.  She also sang to him in Sacrament meeting.  She stood up front and told the kids around her in a loud voice, “My dad is so excited!”  He was excited indeed.  Her singing made his eyes well with tears.


We adore the father in our house so much we went hiking with him in the hot sun without any water.  Thankfully the father forgave us once we arrived at the beautiful waterfall.



Happy Father’s Day to our wonderful father!