Eva says, “Hey Mama, wanna see Kitty’s cute smile?”
“Of course I do.”

The next day we went to the doctor where Eva received 3 shots and she didn’t cry at all. She was very happy about her accomplishment. First she meowed:

Then she smiled Kitty’s cute smile:

Kitty is 45.5 inches tall – 91st percentile, and 44.4 pounds – 74th percentile. She also has 20/20 vision in her left eye and 20/25 in her right. Michael was very concerned at this. He was sure she’d be blind by next year.
My Eva kitty loves to color and draw. These particular art pieces are my recent favorite:

It’s an alien family and their car.

It’s a kitty.
It was candy cane day at school last week. Eva was so excited about it. What a cute candy cane she is:

And one more piece of randomness – maybe I should turn up the heat in my house.