My parents graciously buy Eva a yearly subscription to Highlights magazine. She loves this magazine. Highlights is the reason Eva obsessively keeps track of her schedule on a calendar, why we celebrate obscure holidays, and why we had a massive Easter party this year.
You see, in every issue of Highlights magazine, there is a craft suggestion. Eva wants to try every one. We’ve tried exactly none. (Cuz Mama is lazy.) However, in the March issue of Highlights, the craft was for homemade confetti eggs. Eva was awestruck and wanted desperately to make these eggs. I had already planned on having an Easter egg hunt in our yard with her friends – you know – a small affair, so I told Eva we could make the confetti eggs and add them to our Easter egg hunt. Somehow, Eva heard me say, “Confetti eggs are a great idea! They are much too special for a wienie Easter egg hunt. Let’s ditch our plans for a simple egg hunt and throw a massive party that your mother will have to spend lots of money on and work really hard to pull off instead!” (We did what she heard.)
But…I’m sure glad we did. I recognize that Eva will not always be interested in holidays with the same fervor she is now, and I should relish the chance to plan exciting days for her. After all, most of our regular days are pretty dull.
It was a fun party! We had Easter-shaped sandwiches, Goldfish crackers in the shape of carrots, a butterfly fruit platter, and loads and loads of candy. A roaring success! And of course, homemade confetti eggs.
Brace yourself for the photo overload that is about to assault your retinas.

It was a fun afternoon and worth every penny.
On Easter Sunday, Eva was quite excited to see her basket.

Well, who can blame her? The Easter bunny got her a cool glittery bunny purse and a unicorn ball popper. And since it was also April Fool’s day, he left her a little April Fool’s joke.

We finished the day by dying eggs - Eva was really disappointed when I told her Michael and I would be eating her masterpieces for breakfast all week. They sure were tasty masterpieces. (If cold, oddly colored boiled eggs are your thing.)

I’m so grateful for the days of excitement in our lives!
Happy April Easter Fool’s Day!