Sunday, August 12, 2018

And That Makes 3

My Eva girl lost another tooth!  It was extraordinarily loose and started bleeding when Michael was brushing her teeth one night.  I told her I wanted to look at it and she adamantly instructed me NOT to pull it out.  I sweetly gave her the ‘ol, “I’m not pulling it out, I’m just wiping the blood away,” routine.

And then I yanked that baby out.



Of course it was nearly 9:00 at night and I didn’t have a darn thing in my cupboards for the tooth fairy to leave for Eva.  So I asked my man servant to run to Walgreens and get, “One pack of gum and one York peppermint patty.”

He thought I said, “Get the most expensive gum you can find, a York peppermint patty, and then augment the loot with a toy and more candy.”

Eva was thrilled by the tooth fairy’s generosity.



Mama was less thrilled.  In fact, Mama is going to send her man servant to have his hearing checked.

Did you hear that, man servant?!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

el Cuatro de Julio

We all know there’s only one place I want to be on the 4th of July, and that’s small-town Idaho.  Nobody does it better.

We had a delightful trip doing all of the things we miss out on because we’re so far away from la familia.  We wait all year for these things. 

Like Sno Cones.  Why hasn’t the rest of the universe figured out sno cones?  WHY? 

That’ll be tiger’s blood with cream, please.  Unless you have no taste buds and then it’s bubble gum with cream, please.  Muy deliciosa.



Of course there’s the parade, where my padre has connections and can get you on a fire truck with your cousins.  I stayed on the ground and collected approximately 18 pounds of candy.  Muy muy delicioso. 


Let’s not forget about the best little fireworks show in town.  Show up and eat some kettle corn and play with cousins while you wait for the sun to descend.  It’s a great evening. 


And since we like playing with cousins, let’s do that everyday.  And we’ll do some of our playing at Lava Hot Springs…because you just gotta.  Muy divertido.


Eva’s favorite part about small-town Idaho is the wildlife.  A one-eyed dog…


…and a three-legged cat.  Muy extraño.

I like everything about small-town Idaho.  I especially like when I get to take my niece home with us.  She makes the 1,262 hour drive more bearable.

20180706_16312420180706_164713Yes, Idaho was wonderfully exhausting.  Even Tiffany the otter was tired every night.


Ah, it was a good trip.  It’s too bad we have to wait a whole year for July to come around again.

Estúpido Julio.