That's the number of dollars the Tooth Fairy has spent on Kitty thus far.
And then she went ahead and lost another tooth. It was number 6 and her second front tooth. She looks like a real-live kid without her 2 front teeth. The good news is that her teeth will likely grow in as giant beaver teeth. It's one of those genetic gifts I've given her.
You're welcome.
Kitty starts planning her requests for the Tooth Fairy long before her teeth are even loose. I chalk this up to greed. Another genetic gift I've given her.
Again, You're welcome.
I moved this note and cleaned around it for weeks leading up to the actual day of tooth ejection.
I also scoured the internet looking for a velvet cat statue so I wouldn't be caught off-guard when the day actually arrived. Do you know how hard it is to find a velvet cat statue? It's hard! Even the internet doesn't know where to find one. I finally found a flocked bobble head of the cat from the new Captain Marvel movie. I was extraordinarily pleased with myself and congratulated this old mama on her resourcefulness and preparedness.
The day Kitty actually lost her tooth, I giggled that I indeed had a velvet cat statue waiting in the closet. Then she informed me that she would be asking the Tooth Fairy for something else. Something like this:
A Marble Wubble and a stuffed skunk? What? Oh, heck no. Kitty was getting a velvet cat statue. THE velvet cat statue sitting on the closet shelf that I painstakingly found on the interweb. She threw a bit of a fit when I prepped her for the possibility that the Tooth Fairy had already purchased her gift. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.
Thankfully, Kitty was appeased by the Tooth Fairy's explanation as to why she was getting a cat and not a skunk. Myke's good at those explanation letters. I did not contribute to his genetic ability.
It all turned out ok in the end. I don't care what the Boy Scouts say, it did not benefit me to be prepared. I will go back to sending Michael to Walgreens at an obscene hour from now on.