Runnin' Fool
Kitty participated in the Jog-a-thon fundraiser at school again this year. Her goal was to run 10 laps. Michael pledged 10 bones per lap again, even though I pointed out that 10 x 10 = 100! He wasn't swayed by my frugality.
We prayed every night that Kitty would meet her goal, and she practiced at school nearly every day.
The day of the Jog-a-thon arrived and my belly was a flutter with nervousness. Kitty took off running and I kept track of her completed laps. I only counted 3. It appears I cannot concurrently cheer like a maniac and count. As the Jog-a-thon neared completion, I hoped with my entire Mama heart that she had accomplished her goal.
Well, did she?
Yes! Kitty ran 11 laps! Her prayers were answered, her goal was met, and we were $110 poorer.
Harvest Festival
We tried a new pumpkin patch this year. It was a raging success! Kitty rode a pony, roped a steer, stood in line for an hour to have her face painted, and ate warm apple cider donuts. Don't be fooled by the trickery of the camera capturing her seemingly disgusted reaction to the donuts - she ate 3 in a row.
We had an amazingly beautiful and mild Fall this year. The trees were splendid and we enjoyed a lot of time outdoors.
Tooth Departure
Kitty had a mildly loose tooth for a couple of months. One morning, she was explaining to me that if you lose a tooth at school, your teacher sends you to the office and you get a special tooth-shaped necklace to carry your specimen home in.
I picked her up from school that afternoon and she had a special tooth-shaped necklace hanging from her neck.
Kitty had decided it was time to yank that mildly loose tooth out and get that necklace! She was incredibly animated as she relayed the entire chain of events: the tooth was wiggly so she wiggled it back and forth until it started bleeding. Then, she consulted with all of her friends as to whether or not she should just pull it out, which they all agreed she should. So she yanked it out. Kitty was thrilled that she was sent to the office and given the specimen jar of pride to wear for the rest of the day.
She carefully authored a note to the Tooth Fairy and we retired for the night. At 2 AM, she was by my bedside, crying that the Tooth Fairy had not arrived yet. I groggily lead her back to bed and assured her the Tooth Fairy was probably running late and would indeed come to collect her tooth.
Thankfully the Tooth Fairy awoke from his slumber in time to deliver the gifts. His only blunder was that he forgot to set out the metallic markers. I was puzzled and went looking for the markers, then had to explain to Kitty that I knew the Tooth Fairy had one more gift because she had told me so.
Kitty seemed dubious. Perhaps the jig is up? I'll be a lot richer if it is.
What a fantastic Autumn!