Friday, February 26, 2021

Another Hmmm


Is my husband taking this whole 3D printing thing too far?

I wonder sometimes.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021



Is my daughter taking this whole kitty thing too far?

I wonder sometimes.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Valentine's weekend revealed

Michael drove to Idaho over Valentine's Day weekend for his Uncle's funeral.  It was going to be a quick trip - there and home again in 2 days.  

Well...make that 4 days.

Mother Nature decided to pull out one last winter hurrah, stranding the poor fella in a Holiday Inn Express in Ontario.  And then she laughed and laughed and laughed.

At home, Kitty was having her friends over for a sleepover.  We awoke Saturday morning to no power in our house and thick ice everywhere outside.  Kitty's favorite climbing tree fell victim to Mother Nature's shenanigans.

The tree wasn't having any fun, but the girls sure were!  They thought being without power was exciting and promptly went outside to eat the ice.  There was plenty to munch on.

Thankfully, our power was restored by noon.  But our internet...our dang internet didn't come back on for days.  I thought I might die.  Do you realize how much we need the internet?  A LOT.  I couldn't even use data on my phone because the towers were down everywhere.  It was absolutely terrible!  

But, I'm grateful we made out fairly unscathed.  The number of trees downed around town was astounding.  And there were people without power for over a week.  Mother Nature sure was in a mood.

Also gratefully, our dear ol'daddy safely walked in the door the evening of Valentine's day.  Even more gratefully, he was holding chocolate and cards.  I was incredibly relieved to see the old boy.  The Interstate opened up just long enough for him to zoom home at the speed of 30 mph.  What a thrilling ride!

Thanks for the memories, Mother Nature.

And Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 15, 2021

Valentine's Day

Kitty's friend had a spectacular idea to create a socially-distanced Valentine's Day exchange this year.  Although I shudder at the name of the event, it turned out to be loads of fun for Kitty.  We made a collection box to put on our porch and then Kitty's friends could stop by and fill-er-up.  Kitty worked hard on her box and I think it turned out beautifully.

The next task was to wait for her friends to stop by.  It was so exciting every time she looked inside her little box and found a Valentine waiting for her.  We also had fun delivering our own Valentines to friends.  Kitty was so excited about being stealthy that I had to keep telling her to wait until the car was completely stopped before jumping out to run to the porch.  She likes to live dangerously.

Kitty also was able to get Valentines from her classmates.  Each student delivered Valentines to the school and then the teachers divvied them up among the class.  Talk about a haul!  So much sugar for one little kitty.  

And then!  And then!  February 14th arrived, the actual day of the Valentines.  Kitty again scored with bath bombs and mermaid glass bracelets.  (The bath bombs ended up being extraordinarily stinky.  Like bathing-in-grandma's-perfume stinky.  I won't get that kind again.  Pee-yew!)

Kitty made lovely cards for us.  My heart was happy.

Michael was stranded in eastern Oregon due to a vicious winter storm.  Would he or wouldn't he get home before Valentine's Day was over?  Bum, bum, bum.

I'll tell you next time.

Monday, February 1, 2021


As we continue to live under strict Covid guidelines, our lives are quite repetitive.  We don't get out much, we watch a lot of Disney+, and we bicker more than I'd like.  Sometimes, just sometimes, we get to experience a teeny-tiny slice of normalcy.  Oh, how I appreciate these moments!  No mask or social-distancing invited.

May I present to you our January slices of fun.  We had:

Sunday morning cat cuddles

Cousins sleepover

A homemade airplane that took us to Madagascar

An impromptu bike ride

A snow day with friends
Crazy hair day at school

And spell-casting with Crookshanks the cat

Thank goodness for teeny-tiny slices of normalcy!  I hope they turn into big, fat slices.  I like my normalcy the same size as my pie.