Pinewood Derby race...yay or nay?
I admit that I was a bit of a nay. At first, I was excited at the idea, but that was gradually replaced with my go-to emotion of annoyance. I was annoyed that the block of wood sat untouched on Michael's desk for weeks, I grumbled at spending money on the extras like weights and graphite powder, and I was generally discontented about the entire idea. Okay, okay...I'm a jerk. Ya got me.
Actually attending the event? YAY! I had a marvelous time cheering for the cars. It was such a fun evening that I had some apologizin' to do at the end.
Kitty designed her car all on her own and Michael made it come to life. Complete with a cockpit so one of her Hatchimal friends could be the driver.
Kitty didn't take home the prize but we sure had fun racing. And she scored 2 ice cream sandwiches; much better than a ribbon.