Thursday, April 28, 2022

Teeth, Teeth, Everywhere

I feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day.  Every day Kitty seems to spit out another tooth.

How is this possible?

I might go broke before the month is up.  Maybe I'd better get a job.

What am I saying?! 

I'd rather go broke.

It was another beautiful tooth, and another haul for Kitty.

Hooray for a Tooth Fairy with deep pockets!

Monday, April 25, 2022

Easter Greetings

Would you believe me if I said I didn't eat one piece of chocolate on Easter?

I didn't.  Not one little morsel.

I heard that! Don't you call me a liar!

This is the first Easter of my adult life that I haven't consumed multiple bags of Cadbury Mini Eggs.  Given the size of my behind lately and the fact that I cannot fit into any pants without an elastic waistband, a few weeks ago I put myself on a 6-week sugar fast.  Too bad I didn't check the calendar first.

But no matter, I abstained and I did not drop dead.  Imagine that.  I guess chocolate really isn't necessary to sustain life. (But it is necessary to sustain happiness.)

We had a marvelous Easter weekend nonetheless.  We started on Saturday with an Easter egg hunt that our condo put on.  Kitty cleaned up.

Then on Easter Sunday, Kitty found her basket full of goodies, we went to church, dyed eggs, and I made a delightful loaf of Challah to eat with our bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin.  

With our bellies full, we spent a lovely evening at a new park, where Michael discovered 2 plastic eggs in the grass.  They were filled with his favorite treat: Reese's peanut butter eggs.  It was an Easter miracle!

Happy Easter to us!

Saturday, April 16, 2022


Let me ask a probing question: Would you get up extra early to attend a free breakfast event at your daughter's school?  

Me neither.

And yet, somehow I did exactly that.  

Do I look like the kind of person that wants to be somewhere at 7:15 AM?  

I'm not.

And yet, somehow I did exactly that.

I must really love my kid. 

We drove ourselves to the school family breakfast - practically in the middle of the night - where I expected to find dry muffins and smashed donut holes awaiting us.  Boy, was I wrong!

They had an entire smorgasbord of delights: Krispy Kreme donuts, hot breakfast sandwiches, muffins, fruit, and all the juice and water you could ever want to guzzle at 7:15 AM.  It was impressive.

  I guess the early bird really does get the worm.  (But I still think I'd rather get the sleep.)

Monday, April 11, 2022

Don't Choke!

We were at the hobby store browsing for nerd things.  Kitty was milling around and chewing on a Tootsie Roll. I was strolling up and down the aisles wondering just how long my nerd family would make me loiter in the hobby store.  Michael was somewhere in the abyss cataloging a lengthy list of all the things he wanted to take home.  

Suddenly, Kitty approached with a look of awe on her face. Barely containing the excess saliva in her mouth produced by the Tootsie Roll, she called out and showed me this beauty:

Her tooth was yanked right out of her gums by the sticky candy!  She didn't even know it was loose.  In fact, the tooth that she has been rocking back and forth for weeks is still securely planted in her face. How's that for luck? 

Well, there was nothing left to do but call for the Tooth Fairy.  And very humbly ask for anything.  But...if you really want to make a kitty happy, bring her that very specific nerd thing she saw at the hobby store.  But only if you really want to.  (I love the asterisk on her note.  She asked for anything and then rethought that statement.) 

Unfortunately, the Tooth Fairy didn't oblige.  You see, the Tooth Fairy had already purchased a toy in preparation for the actual loose tooth.  She's trying to stay on top of the recent deluge of teeth.  

But even without the hobby store item, Kitty was excited and *pleased.

*But she still really wants that nerd toy.    

Thursday, April 7, 2022


Kitty handed me an envelope with a note from her teacher after school today.  I was momentarily concerned and wondered if she had been catapulting peas at the janitor's backside during lunch.  That's what I did in 3rd grade and it landed me table-washing duty for a week.  

But no.  My Kitty is responsible and not a jerk like her mother.  

I'm so proud! No flying peas from my girl!

Monday, April 4, 2022

April Fool's

Kitty loves April 1st.  She thinks pranks are a riot.  Usually I think ahead and have something planned to fool her.  This year I was caught unawares.  I blame the chaos of moving.  And my general lack of awareness.  But mostly moving.

Kitty did not get caught unprepared.  In fact, she stayed up late the night before April 1st and crafted a spider out of paper.  Then she hung it from my bedroom door jamb so I would walk into it when I opened the door.  She startled me with that one.

She also made a diorama of creepy-crawlies and set them next to the bread so I would touch them during breakfast.  She startled me again!

She made Michael a brown E and offered it to him as a treat.  He was duped.  But I failed to photograph that one.  Refer to my aforementioned comment about being unaware.

Kitty was disappointed that there were no pranks awaiting her and I felt awful about this.  I quickly tucked the scorpion she had made into her lunchbox and put googly eyes on her Jello cup.  At least that would be something.

While she was at school I put a lizard in her bed and a cockroach in her cleat.  She wasn't phased by the lizard because she's a weirdo and thinks reptiles are cute.  But I did get her good with the cockroach.  I elicited a fantastic jump from her.  She hated the cockroach so much she wanted to immediately throw it away.  I'm sensing a weakness that I can exploit in the future.

It was a successful day of pranks.

Just you wait. Next year I will be extra-prepared.  I already have a brilliant idea.  Mwah-ha-ha!