Kitty has allergies. I've known this for a few years but have managed to control her symptoms with antihistamines. However, moving to TN erupted a volcano of reactions. She was miserable and it was obviously time to get her hooked up with allergy shots.
The days leading up to the scratch test, Kitty kept mentioning that she wasn't going to be allergic to cats. I found it strange that she kept bringing up a cat allergy but told her multiple times that she probably was allergic to cats and it wasn't a big deal. Still, she would bristle when I said it. I realized after a few rounds of this conversation that Kitty was worried I would make her get rid of Jeffery if she was allergic to cats.
Even though this could have been my golden excuse to rid myself of our cat forever, I assured Kitty that I would never make her get rid of Jeffery. What kind of monster does she think I am?
Apparently the kind that would make a little girl give up her precious cat.
Finally, the day arrived for the allergy test.
Kitty was nervous but was trying to be a good sport. It helped that Michael was also being tested alongside her. I know that guy has allergies by his constant stuffy nose. Sometimes the wheezing and whistling through his schnoz is more than I can stand. Sometimes I want to punch it right off his face.
(Hmmm...I'm thinking I might indeed be a monster.)
So here's the thing: I knew Kitty had allergies and I expected her to have some reactions to the scratch tests. I didn't expect what actually happened.
Look at my poor Kitty's back! She was allergic to everything that touched her skin except cockroaches. Poor, poor Kitty. The doctor gave her a 10 out of 10 for severity. I don't think this is the kind of test in which you desire a perfect score.
She and Michael are now getting 3 allergy shots each, twice a week. It's their new bonding activity.
I'm sorry for their suffering, but I'm more excited to have the singing schnoz finally be silenced.
Yup, I'm definitely a monster.