Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Old Woman
Monday, November 28, 2022
Anniversary with Dolly
Friday, November 18, 2022
China Anniversary
Would you believe me if I said that Michael and I celebrated 20 years of marriage recently? 20 years!
I can barely believe it myself and I've lived those 20 years.
To celebrate such an admirable achievement in our relationship together, Michael and I celebrated in the most spectacular fashion: he went to work and I entertained Kitty on her day off from school.
The romance is still alive, people. The romance is still alive.
It actually was a very pleasant day, and we celebrated for realsies the following weekend.
But! On the Tuesday that was our China Anniversary - which, by the way, I didn't get no China - I quietly reflected on my life with Michael and came to the conclusion that I'm awfully glad I have him around.
And then I made tie-dyed shirts with Kitty.
And then we went to lunch at Jersey Mike's.
And then we voted like good citizens.
And then we went to swim lessons.
And then we ate steak for dinner.
See? That's a mighty fine day indeed.
As I consider 20 years of marriage to Michael, it comes down to a life of "sometimes."
Sometimes it's happy. Sometimes it's angry. Sometimes it's dull. Sometimes it's exciting. Sometimes there's silence. Sometimes it's endless conversation. Sometimes I'm fat. Sometimes I'm not. Sometimes it's stressful. Sometimes it's passionate. Sometimes it's laughter. Sometimes it's tears.
But it is always worth it.
I'm incredibly grateful that Michael is my always. I love him.
Happy Anniversary to us!
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Birfday Partay
The cake weighed approximately 57 pounds and tasted delicious. Mykey 3D printed the Vader and the sign. We were all about the 3D printing this time around.
We held the party at the gym where Kitty takes gymnastics. They went wild playing on the equipment and diving into the foam pit. It was wonderful because the space was so enormous, you couldn't hear much of their hootin' and hollerin'. They were in heaven.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Backpack Treasures
Kitty doesn't tell me much about what's going on at school or what assignments she's worked on. Every so often I'll stumble upon something crinkled up in her backpack. Sometimes it boring old math, and sometimes it's a treasure that makes me giggle.
I found a few treasures recently:
Kitty cracks me up! I'm sure glad she's around.