My regular OB sent me to see a high risk OB for an anatomy scan ultrasound. I was excited for this ultrasound but also terrified that they would accidentally reveal the gender of our baby. Thankfully, the tech was incredibly conscientious when we told her we didn't want to know the sex. She would warn us to look away from the screen when the entire body was in view, and she called it 'baby' instead of using he or she. I was relieved.
The ultrasound revealed a healthy baby and a slightly abnormal placenta - that's just one on a list of many abnormal things about me. The Dr. suspects a condition called circumvallate placenta. It means that the membranes of the placenta fold back around its edges and it isn't attached perfectly. It can increase the chance of preterm delivery and placental abruption. It also causes concern that the baby won't get enough nutrients because the portion of placenta on the baby's side is too small. I was quite concerned when we left the appointment but then called my medically-trained sissy and she reassured me that it would fine.
Thank goodness for medically-trained feminist hippies. I intend to seek her opinion every time my Dr. gives me counsel. Nothin' like free medical advice.
So now I will have an ultrasound every month to monitor the baby's progress, and then more often the closer we get to term. I'm excited to get to see the baby regularly.
I mean...come on...look at that beautiful baby with the beautifully-shaped head. Even with my abnormalities I've clearly grown a normal baby so far.
So there.