In addition to the bounty from losing a tooth, Valentine's Day also delivered to Kitty delicious treats and a marvelous dinner. She had her school party the Friday before Valentine's Day but I was out of town for a funeral. Michael didn't take one photo of Kitty's haul or her custom-decorated collection bag. Not one! He'll take a hundred photos of the cat or a tree, but not one of his daughter on Valentine's Day.
Some people.
Kitty's collection bag was all nerd this year. She printed out a Penrose triangle and the Pi symbol. She glued them on the bag and wrote, "Stop and smell the Pen-roses" and "You're a sweetie Pi." This was all her idea and execution. She's a clever nerd, that one.
I made cards for my 2 Valentines and bought Kitty a Keeper of the Lost Cities t-shirt and a box of See's Scotchmallow bars. She's crazy for those puppies. Kitty drew us a lovely picture in return and even Jeffery got in on the action and wrote a card to Michael.
We had delightful dinner of steak and enjoyed our day of love.
Happy Valentine's Day!