Once upon a time, 2 nerds went to a nerd convention. It was called the Maker Faire, and it attracted a variety of makers and tinkerers.
It did not attract Booney.
Booney was not interested in wandering around all day looking at nerd projects. If Booney is going to endure swollen ankles all day, it needs to be for something more worthwhile...like a tour of an ice cream factory. Where you get to eat ice cream at the end.
So Kitty and Papa Nerd went on the adventure together alone. It was an exciting adventure for them, and they came home from the Faire with stories of 3D printed life-sized droids and self-made rockets that could fly high into the air. Kitty was able to solder a pin for her shirt that flashed lights and made a rocket that flew higher than anyone else's. It was sensational and worth every second.
Booney was happy for them. She was also happy that she was able to stay home in her pajamas all day, baking brownies and watching a movie that no one complained about.
What a perfect Saturday.
Kitty and Michael have plans to attend another Maker Faire in the future. It really was a cool event for people who are creative builders. Kitty was incredibly excited and animated as she relayed all of the day's activities and marvels to me. It made me smile.
Oh, and did I mention that Michael was captivated by the droids and is now building his own life-sized R2D2?
Well, he is. And it will only take a few months and cost the equivalent of about 6 Honey Baked Hams.
Thanks, Maker Faire.