I'm so young and spry, it's hard to believe I've been espoused to Michael for 21 years.
21 years!
It was a nice anniversary for us. Michael took the day off from work so we could be together. Awww. He bought me chocolates from an amazing place in Boston. Aww.
And then he spent half of the afternoon at the allergy clinic with Kitty getting an updated scratch test. Not much of an awww.
But the good news is that Kitty is less allergic to life than she used to be.
We did get to spend the morning together alone though. Well, except for the crying baby.
We had donuts at our favorite place. The maple bacon was divine.
And we went for a drive to see the fall colors. With a crying baby.
Later in the evening we had steak for dinner at a restaurant. With a crying baby.
Who keeps inviting this baby?!
After 21 years of marriage to Michael, I can say with all sincerity that I love him more now than I did on our wedding day.
He is my source of happiness, the one I want to talk to about everything, my guiding light, my calm in the storms, and my one true love.
(Side note: the next day I pulled the chocolates out of the pantry and they were crawling with little ants! I screamed. Michael gasped. We brushed them off and ate them anyway. Go ahead and judge me. They're too delicious and expensive to waste over a few ants.)
Happy 21st Anniversary, Mykey!