Kitty is enamored with all things Lego. She delights in building her own creations, she saves her money for sets and minifigs, and she frequently has landmines of Lego bricks scattered on her bedroom floor.
I don't know how she does it - I can only build a tower that goes straight up in the air. Obviously when they were handing things out in heaven, I didn't get any of the genes that allow you to grasp abstract shapes and building concepts. My body was already overflowing with all the good looks and charm genes. Look it up - they're real.
ANYWHO, a Lego convention was coming to Knoxville so naturally we had to go. Kitty's cousin is also a Lego superfan, so we invited him along for the adventure. It was a fabulous day! Those two bounced around like balls in a pinball machine. I was glad Kitty had someone to run around with.
They built race cars and raced them down a track, they colored with Lego markers, they shopped in the Lego store, they dinked with Lego at different stations, and they were able to meet one of the builders from the Lego Masters TV show. It was Wayne from season 2 and he was incredibly kind. He autographed a Lego brick for each of them. At some point in the chaos, Kitty lost her autographed brick. She was devastated. We scoured the venue and looked between the thousands of feet that were clomping around. We couldn't find it anywhere. I offered to go back and stand in line for another autograph. When I arrived at his table, he was gone and wouldn't return for an hour and a half. I settled in for the long wait. After a few minutes, Wayne emerged from behind the curtain to grab his coat. I asked him if he would mind quickly signing the replacement brick. He graciously agreed and all was restored. It was a Lego miracle!

The only downside was that we had to walk in the pouring rain to and from our car without hoods or an umbrella. Someone didn't plan for inclement weather. (I didn't get that gene in heaven).
What a great way to spend a Saturday!