I took Eva to story time at the library. It was our first excursion there. The library is close to downtown sandwiched between two busy roads so I wasn’t sure where to park. I followed the signs toward the “Library Parkade” and was surprised to see every parking spot had a meter. I figured it must just be the first level so I drove around and around and around again. All of the spots have meters. Meters that require money. Real money. Let me get this straight:
I have to pay for parking at the public library? The library that I already pay taxes to support? The library that is supposed to be a community service? That library?
That’s the one.
75¢ per hour to park at our local library. My coin purse was mostly full of pennies but luckily I managed to scrounge up enough change to last through story time. I was indignant about it but fed the meter it’s extravagant snack anyway. Paying for parking at the library. Who ever heard of such a thing? When the library was being remodeled in Idaho Falls, they provided golf carts so people wouldn’t have to walk an extra hundred feet around the building to the front entrance. Free rides and free parking. That’s a real library.
It’s a shame Eva had so much fun at story time. Now I’ve got to budget for an extra 75¢ per week to visit the library.
There goes my candy bar fund. All so my child can learn to read good.
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