Yesterday was my birthday. I love birthdays. I have said this before. I love a birthday even more when it’s my own.
My birthday this year was good but not fantastic. I woke up with a sore throat and never really felt vivacious the rest of the day. Michael has a big project looming at work so he was occupied and I ended up having to bake my own birthday cake. The stars were not aligned for me this year.
However, Michael bought me a new cookbook and some mixing bowls that I’ve been wanting and he took me to lunch. I went to ice cream later in the evening with my girlfriends and had a lot of phone calls and well-wishes from family and friends. I can’t complain too much.
My delicious cake with coconut-pecan frosting. I’m totally in it for the frosting.
Getting ready for my birthday song.
Eva enjoying her piece of cake.
My visiting teachers from church brought me another cake and an orchid.
It’s good to be 34. Happy Birthday also to my brother and my niece! They turned 28 and 8 respectively.