Friday, November 1, 2013


We had a nice Halloween.  Michael wore his Richard Simmons costume to work and won the “Most Frightening” award: a gift card to the movies.  We’re going to use it to see Thor for our anniversary next weekend.  This is only half of the people in his office because some of them were gone and some didn’t dress up. 

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Myke was such a sport, he even wore his costume to the sandwich shop for lunch.  We received a lot of positive reactions and chuckles.  It was fun.

In the evening we went trick or treating with one of our friends around their neighborhood.  It was perfect outside.  The temperature was in the high 50’s with no precipitation.  I wore my puffy coat because I’m used to being cold on Halloween but it was far too hot.  I ended up stealing Myke’s jacket and he was just in shorts and a T-shirt.  Eva was a giraffe and was really cute.  She was actually a little sweaty too when I took her costume off.  It was Eva’s second Halloween, but her first time trick or treating so it was exciting.   


We only took Eva up to the doors of the first few houses and then she just wanted to ride in the stroller.  She had a pretty good haul of candy for a 1 year old who can’t walk or say “Trick or Treat.”


Of course, this is what is left after I ate the Snickers and the licorice.  And Myke had a Jolly Rancher.

I was sad knowing that my family was having a gathering and eating delicious food without me, but our evening was really nice.  I did miss the chili and cornbread though.  We had corndogs for dinner.  Who ever heard of corndogs on Halloween?  Next year I will make chili and invite people over.

It was a good holiday all around.

Happy Halloween!

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