Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sick and Tired of Justice

I’m really sorry I said anything about Michael not being sick.  REALLY SORRY.  He took the whole “what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours” thing literally.  Thanks.

I’ve come to realize that I would rather have my arm gnawed off by my dog then be nauseated.  (And he could do it, too.  He’s chewed clothes right off the back of my nephew, he’s gnawed drywall off of the garage wall, he’s chewed the head off of Eva’s doll, and most recently, he chewed the Santa hat off of my Grinch.  An arm would round out his resume.)

Thankfully Michael had deep sympathy for my plight since he had just experienced it.  He went to the store and bought me Tillamook strawberry ice cream and made his own dinner last night.

This morning I feel significantly better with just a hint of a sore stomach.  I’m glad it was a quick moving bug.

As of today, I have been sick for exactly one month.  Is there a consolation prize or something?  

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