Monday, March 16, 2015


My last crumb of dignity has vanished and I don’t expect that it will ever return.  I’ve seen and done too much to be redeemed. 

In the past 2 weeks I have danced and clapped over urination.  I have praised and swooned over poo.  I have spent my husband’s money on Chinese-manufactured toys to bribe a 2-year-old into using the bathroom.  I have touched soiled underwear so often I feel like my hands will never be clean.  I’m driving a car that smells like urine because my daughter thinks her car seat is a toilet.  I can’t stop thinking about bodily functions.  I fear going into public with my unpredictable time bomb full of contaminants.  I used to hold intelligent conversations with people; now all I talk about is poo. 

Potty-training?  More like Parental-demoralization.

1 comment:

  1. Bwaaa haa haa. I HATE potty training. Too bad you moved away. Prina trained 2/5 for me and Bubba trained herself because she could see I wasn't going to get involved. It was delicious....
