I’ve mentioned before that I was certain I would have no problem being a parent. I have also admitted that I was terribly mistaken. Terribly mistaken. I have been a parent for 2 1/2 years now and I regularly feel like I’m screwing it all up. I especially feel this way when Eva does the following:
- Shouts, “No way!” at me.
- Ignores me when I ask her to do something.
- Deliberately pees her pants.
- Kicks and screams.
- Watches TV before noon.
- Eats 5 packages of fruit snacks for breakfast.
- Takes Selfies.
However, sometimes I feel like maybe I’m not a complete failure. Maybe I’m not turning Eva into a spoiled, self-absorbed turd. Maybe. I do get a boost of confidence when Eva:
- Tells me she loves chocolate.
- Wants to read books.
- Asks for more broccoli.
- Gives me hugs and kisses.
- Prays.
I also find satisfaction in seeing her be creative and independent. She plays in the dirt for hours.
Or builds a tower with pantry items.
I also love seeing her be kind to other kids. (Finally)
So I don’t have it all figured out yet. I’m sure it will become easier the older Eva gets. Especially around puberty.
At least I can take comfort in the fact that even if I screw it all up, someday she’ll have a husband and be his problem.
Poor sap.
Kids always suck. ALWAYS. I'm waiting for 20. Surely it gets better at 20...