I hesitated posting about our quest to have another child. I debated over whether it was too personal, too emotional, too none-of-anyone-else’s-business. But the more I pondered the event, the more I wanted to share it, to open up the hidden corners of my soul. I also considered that I don’t want my blog to be a discourse on my perfect life, since it is anything but that. If everything I post is silly or idyllic, then I’m full of crap. I ultimately felt that omitting my struggles would mask the authenticity of my mortality. So I shared. Then I felt paranoid that it was an over-sharing and smacked myself across the face.
But then something wonderful happened. The people I care about the most responded to me with love. I was incredibly heartbroken and sad, and in the clutches of my sadness, my hope was renewed, slivers of happiness emerged. I was surrounded by the concern and support that I needed. I received flowers.
From my sister, Chris.
From my parents.
From my husband.
I received phone calls and texts. I was strengthened and encouraged. I was reminded that I am not alone. How grateful I am for that!
There has been some healing for me in sharing. The tender emotions of my heart are not so raw anymore and I feel like I’ll recover from my sorrow. I even feel like I’ll recover as a stronger version of myself. I might just share more personal things with you.
And I expect flowers when I do.
I totally felt sorry for you... Until I saw all those flowers. You obviously don't need my pity. However, I do feel lucky to have been a part of your one perfect miracle.