The heavens showed mercy on us and the sun came out for Easter weekend. Saturday and Sunday were perfectly sunny until Sunday evening. When the rain began to pour down again I felt my senses recoil in sadness. Where are you, summer?
We went to a community Easter egg hunt on Saturday which was uncomfortably crowded and chaotic. There were so many people that we couldn’t even see Eva hunting for eggs. None of the adults could see their kids and the crowd became somewhat hostile. I naively thought it would be a calm gathering since you had to buy tickets to get in and there was a cap to the number of tickets sold. Apparently the cap was infinity because it was a madhouse. The swarms of greedy kids and even greedier parents didn’t react well with my social anxiety. Eva was oblivious and had a wonderful time. Her only disappointment was when she informed us that the Easter bunny was just a woman in a costume. Sorry, Eva. But she scored a lot of candy at the egg hunt and that seemed to appease her. I assume she had to knock a few kids over to come away with such a haul. Good girl.

The REAL Easter bunny visited us on Sunday and left Eva with even more candy and a new princess watch. She promptly put it on and then announced the time every minute for a few hours. At bedtime she took off her watch and said, “I’m going to put this in your jewelry box so it can be safe. I’ll put it by your special jewelry.” Her watch is now part of the special jewelry in our house. I love it.

We rounded out the day by dying eggs and then having our friends over for a pot roast dinner and games. I rounded out the evening by eating an entire bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs. My stomach was rounded out by bedtime. It was a nice day.

Happy Easter!