Templeton the rat knew what he was singing about when he crooned, “A fair is a veritable smorgasbord!”
As soon as our legs carried us through the gates into the vast excitement of the Oregon State Fair, Michael began twitching and shouting out food items as if he spontaneously had developed Tourette's Syndrome. “Ooh! Ooh! Corn dogs! Funnel cakes! Ah! Chili cheese fries! Oh man, Oh man! Elephant ears! I gotta have some of that!”
I was calmly trying to watch the dog diving competition and couldn’t concentrate with all the flailing of arms and pointing to food signs going on next to me. Between Eva whining to go to the rides and Michael whining that he needed some fair-food in his belly, I couldn’t even enjoy those marvelous canines leaping into the big pool of blue water. Why can't we all just calm down for one minute!!
The moment I agreed to abandon the dog show, this is where we went:
To the veritable smorgasbord. Michael said we would “share” the hot fudge sundae.
I had approximately 2 bites.
I’ve been to the fair only twice; once to watch the Demolition Derby, and once as a freshman in college when I went along with my roommates. I can't say I’m a lover of the fair. I don’t get it. I really don’t.
Michael has fond memories of going to the fair. Michael gets it. I really don’t.
But we found ourselves at the fair after picking up a couple of buy-one-get-one-free admission tickets somewhere. I thought to myself, “Sure, why not? It’ll cost us 8 bucks to get in, a few bucks for the rides, and we’ll be on our way.”
Silly, silly girl.
We did end up having a great day at the fair. But it was more than a few bucks later. And it was hot and we didn’t have sunscreen. Or enough water. I DON’T KNOW PROPER FAIR PREPARATION PROCEDURES! I’M SORRY!
So what do you do at the fair on a hot summer day? Well…you fight forest fires with Smokey the Bear:
You eat a freeze-dried cricket. Eva totally did. After a few crunches, she spit out all the little parts and exclaimed, “Yuck! That tastes stale!” (Eva doesn’t really know what stale means. I give her stale Cheerios at least once a week.)
You see the animals. Both real and stuffed.
You buy a unicorn and name her Fruitcake. Then change her name to Angel the next day.
And of course, you go on the rickety rides put together by toothless carnies, and hope you don’t die. This is the best part of the fair. Eva had a marvelous time on the rides until the very end when she chose to ride The Shockwave. It went up and down and around and around and she screamed the entire time while sobbing, “Make it stop! Please make it stop!”
So let’s put this into perspective with a Mastercard commercial:
Parking fee: $5
Fair admission: $8
Ice cream: $7.50
Unicorn: $10
Rickety carnie rides: $50 (Nope, that ain’t a typo)
Water: $3
A summer day spent with your family making lasting memories…
What you haven't lived until you go to the Minnesota State Fair. Myke, shall we plan a trip to gorge ourselves on all the delightful food and drinks (all the fresh milk you can drink for $5.00).
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