With the introduction of Kindergarten into our lives, came the introduction of 17 bazillion new germs and viruses.
Kitty has been sick a lot this year.
Our latest dance with parasites included vomiting. I hate vomit. Seeing or smelling vomit makes me vomit. I can't deal with it.
Kitty threw up early in the morning but, thankfully, Michael was home and took care of it. He tenderly cleaned her up and put her disease-ridden pillow and bedding into the laundry room. One problem - he didn't actually wash any of it; he just stacked it on top of the other dirty clothes on the floor. Days later - directly after eating lunch - I naively opened the door to the laundry room and nearly died from the wafting puke stench.
He gets one good mark for taking care of our daughter, and one demerit for not putting the stinky mess into the washing machine.
Poor Kitty puked a few times that day. I was giving her grape juice to at least try to keep her hydrated, but she couldn't keep it down.
She would puke and I would keep the bucket as far from my gaze and olfactory organs as possible while I emptied it. After one incident, I was holding the bucket-o-vomit at arm's length when Kitty exclaimed, "Look at it. You'll like it." Then in a singsong voice added, "It's purrr-ple!"
Yes, purple is my favorite color, but I DON'T WANT TO ADMIRE YOUR PURPLE PUKE.
I hate Kindergarten germs.
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