Friday, August 30, 2024

Fair Enough

I don't know how this happened but we landed ourselves at the fair again.


I know exactly how it happened.

The nerd brigade made me do it.

Okay, okay. This is where I admit that I actually saw the billboard for the fair and asked the brigade if they wanted to go. I did it.  I instigated the fair.

Why do I have to love them so much?!

So there we were at the fair.  It was Baby's first time, of course.  She didn't seem to be to into it.  

Until she had a taste of Sissy's $15 Icee.  Then she was all in.

It was blazing hot outside and Michael was way overdressed - his shirt had sleeves - but it wasn't all bad.

Sissy rode some rides, including the requisite giant slide.

She tamed a bull.

And she and Michael had a glorious turn on the ferris wheel.  I stayed on the ground with Baby and people watched.  That's where the real fun is.

We went early in the evening so we could leave before Baby's bedtime, and it was perfect.  Just as we were ready to head out, the crowds began to swell.  I could barely maneuver the stroller and without sidewalks on our journey back to the car, I feared for my life.

And that's how you know you're at the fair.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

I Can...


Open my own chips

Be helpful

Go down the slide

And melt your heart

I'm especially good at that last one.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Yucky School

Our school district insists on starting school when it's still summer.

It's egregious.

I hate it.

Can you believe that not one person in power asked for my opinion about it? Not one!


The calendar turned the page to August and there we were - roaming the crowded halls of Sissy's new school for Back to School Night.  

Back to School Night.  Psssh.

We wandered around in a daze. Sissy met her teachers and was filled to the brim with excitement and fear.  

I was filled to the brim with sweat.  It was hot and I had Baby on my chest in her carrier.  

And then...a mere 4 days later...

The first day of 6th grade!

I wanted to cry.  I wanted to vomit.  I wanted to run into the woods screaming, " can't take my baby!"

Instead I snapped photos. She was set with her fancy new supplies loaded into her Loki backpack. I dropped Sissy off for her first day of middle school and then ran 6.2 miles with Baby so I wouldn't cry.  It didn't work.  I cried alright.  But for a different reason.  Who runs 6.2 miles on purpose? Morons.  That's who. (My sister made me do it.)

After school I greeted Sissy with balloons and candy.  She was tired and overwhelmed by her first day.

So we ate steak and mashed potatoes to soothe our souls.

Starting middle school is a big transition.  Her school is ginormous and there's a lot to learn about routines and expectations.  It feels huge. But it's life.

Sissy will do great.  I just know it.

Happy first day of middle school!