Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Yucky School

Our school district insists on starting school when it's still summer.

It's egregious.

I hate it.

Can you believe that not one person in power asked for my opinion about it? Not one!


The calendar turned the page to August and there we were - roaming the crowded halls of Sissy's new school for Back to School Night.  

Back to School Night.  Psssh.

We wandered around in a daze. Sissy met her teachers and was filled to the brim with excitement and fear.  

I was filled to the brim with sweat.  It was hot and I had Baby on my chest in her carrier.  

And then...a mere 4 days later...

The first day of 6th grade!

I wanted to cry.  I wanted to vomit.  I wanted to run into the woods screaming, " can't take my baby!"

Instead I snapped photos. She was set with her fancy new supplies loaded into her Loki backpack. I dropped Sissy off for her first day of middle school and then ran 6.2 miles with Baby so I wouldn't cry.  It didn't work.  I cried alright.  But for a different reason.  Who runs 6.2 miles on purpose? Morons.  That's who. (My sister made me do it.)

After school I greeted Sissy with balloons and candy.  She was tired and overwhelmed by her first day.

So we ate steak and mashed potatoes to soothe our souls.

Starting middle school is a big transition.  Her school is ginormous and there's a lot to learn about routines and expectations.  It feels huge. But it's life.

Sissy will do great.  I just know it.

Happy first day of middle school!

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