Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I ran a 10k on Saturday at Champoeg State Park.  It was a beautiful course but it rained nearly the entire race.  Parking was in a grassy field and as we were pulling in, the truck in front of us was spinning his wheels in the mud.  Soggy day, for sure.  The rain was the perfect opportunity for me to try out my spiffy rainproof running jacket.  I bought it months ago after being caught in a downpour and it has been sitting in the closet ever since.  I forgot it was there.  Michael suggested I grab it for the race and I was grateful he did.


Turns out the jacket works great but it makes me look like a doofus.  Or maybe that’s my face that does that.

Anyway, I felt fantastic for the first 4 miles and then I was hoping that the misery could end with a violent, ferocious animal lunging from the forest to attack me.  I wasn’t that fortunate and had to suffer through the final 2 miles.  It was terrible.


I saw a tunnel with a bright light.  I was dizzy and nearly vomited.  I tried to drink some water and it just dribbled down my chin.  Michael considered this a prudent time to photograph me.

BUT…BUT….I won a pie in the raffle.  It was Marion berry.  My friend, who was running with me, won an apple pie and gifted it to me as she is currently off sugar.  (I say she was, “running with me,” but she finished 10 minutes ahead of me.  She was running and I was somewhere behind her dying.)   The pie was divine.


My next adventure is a relay race in June.  It is a 24 hour race and I will be running it with 5 other women.  The course is from Portland to Eugene and I began training yesterday.

I hope you’ll watch for me at the finish line; I’ll be the doofus in the raincoat. 

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