Eva is obsessed with forks lately. At various times throughout the day, she will open the silverware drawer and retrieve a fork or two just to carry around. Twice now I have opened the drawer to set the table for dinner and there are no forks. None. Not-a-one. This is astounding to me given that we have about 20 forks. I’ll find them scattered around the house and in her toy box. I’m not sure what it all means. One of these days I’m going to step on a fork and need surgery. It might be time to consider corking the forks; to prevent her from hurting herself. And others.

It was Eva, in the living room, with the fork.

It was Eva, in the dining room, with the fork.

It was Eva, at her little table, with the forks.
Incidentally, this picture is my favorite because it displays her other obsession. Raisins. She eats them directly from the container…with a fork. It’s the colliding of two obsessions.
What a terrifically weird child.