Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Eva is nearly 2 now and her attitude reflects it.  She has become very adept at flopping around like a fish and crying upon hearing the word, “No.”  She excels at ignoring me as if she’s deaf.  Her spine is incredibly flexible and she can nearly touch the back of her head to her heels when I try to put her in the car seat.  She refuses to hold my hand when we walk and writhes around in the seat of the shopping cart like she’s been overtaken by a seizure.  It’s a wonderful time.

On the contrary, Eva says, “I love you,” without being prompted.  She hugs my legs when I’m washing dishes and asks to be snuggled like a baby.  She dances with glee when I open her bedroom door in the morning and emphatically shouts, “Good morning!  Let’s eat!”  She laughs at my silly antics and requests that I sing songs to her in the car.  She is pure in her love for me and I continue to be amazed at how much I love her in return; tantrums and all.


It really is a wonderful time.  

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