I think we’re good friends by now and you should know our secrets. I don’t want it to turn out like on 20/20 when the friends and neighbors of a murdered husband claim they never imagined the wife would kill him. I want you to be able to say, “Yeah, they were pretty unbalanced. I totally knew she was capable of decapitating the goldfish while her husband was at work. No surprises here, Diane Sawyer.” Knowledge is power, my friend. Knowledge is power.
At our house:
We don’t require pants when watching TV.
Except for something important like General Conference. Then we watch in our gorilla suits.
We sit in front of the oven like savages and wait for food.
We delight in “Where’s Waldo?” reenactments.
We love to throw rocks. Sometimes at each other.
We’re a bunch of turkeys.
You go ahead and tell Diane that you were not shocked by the goldfish massacre.
The only surprise was that it didn’t happen sooner.
You should send that gorilla pic into the Ensign. You could win $100.