Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Meltdown Free

Eva went to preschool yesterday.  Myke worked from home so we could drop her off together and bid farewell.  Eva was elated to be going to school and headed out to the car 10 minutes before we had to leave.  Myke was equally excited and followed behind her.  I was the only person who remained in control and made those 2 yahoos sit in the car and wait for me until it was actually time to leave.  (The fact that I was rushing to comb my hair and put makeup on might have had something to do with making them wait.  Hey, I rarely leave the house before 9 AM so lay off.  Maybe I was doddling too but I admit nothing.) 

Because Eva was thrilled to go to school, I wasn’t sad at all.  I’m grateful that she made a smooth transition and wasn’t sobbing and clinging to my leg like some of the other kids.  I struggled with the idea of sending her to school all summer, but when the moment arrived, it was really sweet.  She’s going to have a great year.


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I reprimanded Michael in the car for taking a picture of my voluptuous backside.  It’s a terrible vantage point for someone of my stature. He said there is nothing wrong with taking pictures of my butt. I punched him in the throat for being wrong. He veered the car into a tree and we died. But that’s a story for another day.

After dropping Eva off, I had 3 whole hours to myself.  I prudently decided to spend them on grocery shopping.  What an awful idea!  I shouldn’t have been spending my Me Time taking care of my family.  I should have used those hours to go to the movies where I could purchase a giant tub of popcorn and a box of Milk Duds all for myself.  Rookie mistake.  I had visions of how wonderfully peaceful and productive it would be to shop without Eva slowing me down.  It was productive and marginally peaceful but it was incredibly lonely.  I missed my little buddy and her incessant prodding to stop every 15 feet to look at something.  I don’t think I’ll go grocery shopping anymore while Eva’s at school.  I like her company too much.

But I will go to the movies and eat a giant tub of popcorn and a box of Milk Duds. 

My butt-size depends on it.

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