Eva has been coming into our bedroom in the middle of the night, every night for months now; sometimes more than once per night. Though I am mostly even-tempered during the day, I am never even-tempered in the middle of the night. And I mean never. Having to scrape my sorry butt off my comfy mattress in the tranquility of night while the moon glows soothingly through my window is akin to having my arm crushed beneath a steamroller. I’m not interested in participating in either activity.
The worst part is that Michael never wakes up when Eva comes bounding in and tries to burrow in between us. And I mean never. I’m tired. I’m grouchy. I have lost all recollection of what REM sleep is like. I’ve tried talking to Eva about the importance of staying in her room at night. I’ve tried being firm when she appears in the darkness. I’ve tried acting like it doesn't bother me to return the cub to her own den fourteen times a night. I’ve tried pretending to be asleep like Michael does. Nada.
No more, my friends. I reached my limit. I finally had the genius idea to employ the oldest and most effective parenting approach ever invented: bribery.
I told Eva that if she could stay in her room all night I would give her ice cream with sprinkles.
Then we went to bed and waited.
Did it work?
Of course it did. She’s my offspring. We’ll do anything for ice cream. And yes, she’s eating that sprinkle ice cream for breakfast. Certainly my tactics are infallible.
Another homerun for me. Yup, I just continue to ace this parenting stuff.