Now that Eva is quite the conversationalist, she is vigorously embodying the old adage, “Kids say the darndest things.” She elicits chuckles from me daily and I am enjoying my front row seat to her one-girl show.
Here are some of my recent favorites, courtesy of Eva:
We were going for a walk and I asked her to get in the stroller. She instantly replied, “Please be seated. The ride is about to begin.”
Disneyland really made an impression on her.
She was playing a puzzle game on my phone and when she completed the puzzle correctly it said, “Wonderful job!” and stars floated across the screen. She responded, “Thanks, you idiot.”
We then had a discussion about the use of the word idiot.
Eva has a finely-tuned radar that detects whenever Michael is working late and not sleeping in our bed. She will come take his spot in the middle of the night as if it’s the natural response to his absence; and she doesn’t do it quietly. She came bounding in the other night, crawled into bed and started rattling off her list of demands. She asked me to wrap her up in her blanket, wrap her giraffe up in his blanket, and straighten out the pillow. When I was done with my chores, she said, “Now, go to sleep.”
Gee. I think that’s what I was doing before you arrived.
We were sharing a stall in a public restroom and I was waiting for Eva to finish her business so I could do mine. She was whizzing right along and then stopped so I asked if she was done. She started whizzing right along again and then stopped. I asked again if she was done and she started whizzing right along again and said, “Nope, I’m just doing my peeing tricks.”
And fine tricks they are.
I sure love my little ham.
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