Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The 3rd First Day of School

Eva started preschool again today.  Yes, this is her 3rd year of preschool.  Yes, she’s much smarter and more mature than the other preschoolers.  Yes, I plan on spending my alone time watching TV. 

Eva was so excited to finally be back in school.  She’s been counting the days down on her calendar for weeks.  Last night she prayed that she would have a great day at school and that she wouldn’t be bored during circle time.  (She tells me that circle time is boring because she has to sit still on the rug.  The nerve!)

She ran into my bedroom this morning and shouted, “I get to go to school today!”  Then she ate breakfast and got dressed faster than she ever has in her entire life; not one word of protest, not one moment of doddling.  She was very particular about what she wanted to wear and asked that I comb her hair into “angel hair.”  She was so excited that it made me excited for her.



She bolted up the walkway and that was that.  Another first day checked off the list. 


When I picked her up after school Eva said that she was only a little bored during circle time and that she rocked at math.  “They kept trying to make it harder but I knew all the answers,” she said. 

Knowing it all is her cross to bear. 

1 comment:

  1. That girl is growing up fast, but it's wonderful that she loves school. What a great school!!
