I’ve been feeling lately like being a housewife is the pits. It’s mundane. It’s monotonous. I’ve lost all competency at adult conversations. Sigh.
Myke and I watch one TV show together in the evening and I look forward to this hour with the same excitement I feel about chocolate – it’s a big deal. However, for the past couple of weeks Eva has been interrupting our TV time with ridiculous claims like she isn’t tired and doesn't need to go to bed. Given the staleness of housewife-ness recently, I have had exactly zero patience for these intrusions. I mean, zero. I’m not very nice when she comes into our room at night.
Last night I was settling in with my chocolate and enjoying my escape from real-life when I heard the pitter-patter of Eva’s feet running down the hall towards our bedroom. I paused the TV, and with an exasperated sigh muttered, “Here we go again.” How dare she interrupt chocolate time?! Every night she does this! I irritatingly waited for the door to open.
But the door didn’t open.
I was relieved and shoved more chocolate into my gob.
When our show was over I asked Myke to check on Eva and make sure she was indeed in bed with the lights off. He opened our bedroom door and found this on the floor:
The pitter-patter of feet was my sweet Kitty delivering a surprise to my door. My heart melted. (Probably because it’s three-quarters full of chocolate.)
I was humbled and embarrassed. It’s so easy to get absorbed in the humdrum of life and miss the beauty that is all around. I’ve been missing the beauty. It’s beautiful that my little girl adores me despite my imperfections and complete incompetency at child-rearing. It’s beautiful that I have been able to spend everyday with my baby, who is growing up too fast. It’s beautiful that I don’t have to set an alarm clock.
So…I’m changing my grouchy ways.
Here’s to overlooking the boring parts of life and soaking in the beauty. Like this girl: