Monday, March 12, 2018

Show Me the Money

Eva has started doing chores around the house and earning money for her work.  She has a bit of a warped view of her responsibilities though because she told our dinner guests last night that she does all of the chores around the house.  Just to be clear, I don’t make her do EVERYTHING; I still do my part around here.  Come on, I stir the Nesquik powder into my own milk for-crying-out-loud.

We have a brilliant chore system that I came up with all on my own because I’m naturally brilliant.  (Ok, so I don’t actually remember how we came up with it.  Maybe Myke had some input.  But that’s irrelevant to this story).  Eva has chore sticks in a jar marked “chores to do” and another jar marked “finished.”  She moves the sticks as she completes tasks and gets paid every Saturday.  It’s been working like a charm.


And what kind of chores does Kitty do?  This kind:

20180309_080805Eva wanted to buy a Shimmer and Shine toy and we agreed that if she earned half of the cost, we would pitch in the other half.  But she had to pay her tithing first, of course.   So she did.



Kitty worked hard and earned her toy.  She couldn’t be happier.


We haven’t instituted the principle of saving yet.  Right now we’re teaching her to spend the money as fast as she can earn it.

That philosophy has always worked for me.


  1. What a fantastic idea and a great way to teach Eva the value of work. My heart was touched to see the picture of her completing her tithing slip. What a wonderful example.

  2. I agree, you are doing a great job with her
