Friday, March 23, 2018

Sugar Plum Fairy Performer

We went to a Christmas concert at the high school in December and they had a ballerina dancing to the “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” song.  Eva was mesmerized.  From that moment, she incessantly talked about ballet, did twirls and jumps all around the house, and told anyone who would listen that she was going to be a Sugar Plum Fairy performer when she grew up.

So now she’s in ballet.  A woman in our ward has a studio so I signed Eva up and she loves it.  With a big, fat, capital “L”. 

I never thought I’d be a dance mom.  I feel very out of place.

I was apprehensive about dance class but seeing her joy makes me love taking her.  Just look at how cute my Sugar Plum Fairy is:


Sugar plum fairy (1)

Her first recital is coming up in May and I’m pretty excited about it.  Their group is going to be tightrope walkers.  Eva would tell me every day that she was nervous about the recital.  I would assure her it would be fine and then we would go on with our day.  Finally after about a week I said, “You know, Eva, having stage fright is completely normal.  It’s ok if you feel nervous.” 

To which she responded, “Mama, I don’t have stage fright.  I’m afraid of falling off the tightrope!  What if I get hurt?!”

Poor thing.  She thought she was going to be walking on an actual tightrope, high above the audience.  I’m impressed she was willing to do it despite her nervousness about plunging to her death.

Now that’s a real ballerina.

1 comment:

  1. How very precious, you could never trade these days and experiences for any funds earned in the job force. Hold tight and don't let go.
