Wednesday, June 12, 2024

1-year-old Stats

With the arrival of Baby's birthday, it was also time for her check-up with the ol' doctor-roo.

Here's how our girl measures up these days:

Weight: 21.3 pounds - 72nd percentile
Head Circumference: 17 inches - 10th percentile 
Height: 29.5 inches - 62nd percentile

She currently has two small teeth on the bottom and one tooth on the top that is starting to come in.  Baby can pull herself up to standing and walk with assistance.  She can't walk on her own or balance without being held.  She is a pro at holding herself up against the couch.

Baby is very happy and loves to dance.  She starts shaking the moment music comes on.  She also loves to be held.  She sleeps through the night but is an early riser.  Booney could do without the dawn wake-up calls but I can't deny that she is an absolute joy.  

We sure love this little baby of ours!

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