Thursday, August 14, 2014

Manly Tools

I’m working on a project for Eva’s bedroom and it involves attaching a wooden letter to fabric.  I was pondering over the best approach and asked Michael for his opinion.  His response was to use a glue gun. I told him I didn’t want to purchase a glue gun just for this one project.  You see, I can be crafty when the need arises, but I’m not crafty at heart.  I don’t necessarily enjoy it and I certainly don’t subscribe to emails from Craft Warehouse or Hobby Lobby.  I’m not a glue gun kind of gal.

Michael said I didn’t need to buy one, I could just use his.


Hmmm…I didn’t know he had a glue gun.

WHY does he have a glue gun?

When he stays up late “working,” is he Mod Podging a table and attaching feathers and beads to a vest or headband with his glue gun?

How can I be married to this guy for nearly 12 years and not know he has need of a glue gun?

What else is he hiding in all of those little storage bins in his office?   

Long story, short: I used his glue gun and it worked beautifully. 

Let’s just be clear that ownership of this tool doesn’t make him any less of a man. 

At least my dad will be happy to know that Michael actually owns a gun.


  1. Hot glue works as a great medium for insulating electronics, for example, reinforcing a sketchy soldering job inside the end of a headphone plug.

    As for use as a PDW: I knocked mine off the counter once and it hit my calf, melting my skin. It didn't burn it, it melted a gouge out of it...

  2. Boone,

    I don't think a weapon you can operate without ear protection qualifies as a 'gun'. But it was a good try.

