Thursday, December 20, 2018

How about 39?

Ol’ Father Time found me again this year.  What is it with that guy? 

Here’s the deal.  I turned 39.  I felt a little weird about it.  But that’s life.  In the words of my good friend, Sophia Petrillo, “No matter how bad things get, remember these sage words: You’re old, you sag, get over it.”

Hear hear.

My birthday was on Sunday this year so we decided to party on Saturday and what a beautiful birthday I had!  The weather was GORGEOUS so we hit the coast.  We went to a town called Yachats and saw a natural wonder known as Thor’s Well.  It was spectacular.

20181117_12542920181117_13010020181117_131613We also walked along the shore, saw a crane up close, and soaked up the November sun.  It was much more delightful than our usual cold November rain.


We also ate fish n’chips and clam chowder.  How can you go wrong with fish n’chips and chowder at the coast?  You can’t.


Later that night was cake time.  We couldn’t decide how many candles to put on my cake.  Myke suggested one for each decade and then had the gall to say that equated to 4 candles.  4!  Hey, buddy, I ain’t 40 yet.  Nice try.

Eva solved the riddle by putting 3 candles on the left side of the cake and 9 candles on the right side of the cake.  Good thing we have a 6-year-old around to handle life’s conundrums.  It was a brilliant solution.

Thankfully my old lungs still have enough oomph to blow out 12 candles.  And I didn’t even pee myself.  Little victories.


It was such a nice birthday that I didn’t even mind when the next day was Sunday and I had to spend my actual birthday in meetings.  I was euphoric from my day with Mr. Sun. 

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, thanks for shining down on me.


  1. 39 is nothing. I know a lady who can light herself on fire, cut off her fingers, and still make bread with her bleeding stumps if she had to. She’s 70 and may or may not be your mother.

  2. 39 is just baby steps. You will always be young to me.
