Tuesday, October 29, 2024

A Dozen

Sissy turned 12.

Did you hear me?

I said, "SISSY TURNED 12!"

All she wanted for her birthday was the new Lego Zelda set. Unbeknownst to Sissy, I had pre-ordered the set many months before she asked.  She wasn't aware the set existed and I was going to save it for Christmas. But then she read about the set on one of her fan sites and my plan was foiled. Nerds ruin everything. 

I told Sissy it was far too expensive and to come up with a different idea. She begged and begged, tried making bargains, begged and begged some more, and wouldn't stop yammering about how much she wanted the set.  And there I was, making her suffer while I was already in possession of the thing. It was diabolical of me.

I was in a pickle though.  We have always had extravagant parties for Sissy because...well...Sissy planned extravagant parties and she was my only child.  This year I didn't want to pay for both an extravagant party and an expensive Lego set.  But how to tell her that without telling her I already had the Lego set?

Here's how.

I told her I had the Lego set and she couldn't have an extravagant party.


Telling her was also diabolical because now she had to wait for the Lego set for weeks, knowing it was in the house somewhere.

What can I say?  I'm a butt.

It was still a wonderful birthday despite by buttox-ery shenanigans. A couple of weeks before her birthday, Sissy had her bestie for a sleepover.

They played games.

And played kazoos late into the evening.

We went to the trampoline park where Baby had a smashing good time.

When her actual birthday arrived I made a Dune sandworm cake.  It was enormous.

We also gave her a couple of surprise gifts. You always need a surprise.  This one was a pixel art kit and Cow Tales.

And then the big kahuna arrived.  Wrapped in 2 boxes.  

What? You already know I'm a butt.

After her favorite meal of carbs, Sissy went straight to work on building.

The next day she had this beauty.

Pure joy.

Happy birthday to Sissy!

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