Saturday, October 26, 2024

Anatomy of an Afternoon Walk

Baby loves to be outside.  If the weather is nice, I take her out every afternoon around our little section of condo road to let her explore. She has a specific route and routine that goes like this:

Stop at the Halloween sign. There's also a skeleton on the porch she converses with.

Choose out the perfect stick. Or rock. Or both.

And give it to Booney.

Say hello to the No-pooping-in-my-flower-bed sign.

Give Buddha a pat on the head.

Boop the lady's nose.

Pet the bunny.

And boop its nose.

Talk to the owl and say, "Hoo-Hoo."

Touch the garden flag - it's quite a stretch.


Eventually we have to stop to go pick Sissy up from school. (Baby does not appreciate this part.)

But don't worry...we'll be back at it again tomorrow.

It's always a fun time strolling around with my babe!

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