Let's just say that Sissy had play rehearsal (LAME. It's Halloween), and that threw everything off. In addition, the town where the theater is located was having a Halloween extravaganza. Streets were closed, traffic was crawling, and Michael's blood pressure was climbing faster than a squirrel being chased up a tree as we tried to pick up Sissy in time to go trick-or-treating with her friends.
We were late and had to park blocks away from the theater. I ran through the crowds to get to Sissy. She was sitting on a bench all alone and terrified that we weren't coming for her. This terror erupted into an angry freak-out in the car.
After more traffic, yelling, and threats of, "I'm going to turn this car around and cancel Halloween!" we arrived nearly half an hour late to our trick-or-treating meeting spot and searched for Sissy's friends. We were sweaty and rattled.
I decided that I would still enjoy myself since it was Baby's first real Halloween excursion. Mykey had a hard time letting go of his turmoil. Can you tell?
Regardless, we had a successful evening. It was fun to walk with Baby to the doors. She loved it. The weather was a little warm, especially since I was Mr. Rogers and had on a sweater, but it was good nonetheless. Mykey wore his Renaissance Faire costume, Sissy was Zelda, and Baby was a unicorn. (Because I purchased the costume last year on clearance.)
Side note: only one person knew who I was. Surprisingly, it was a 12-year-old boy. Who doesn't know who Mr. Rogers is?! More people than you think.
By the time we made it home with our haul of candy, we were exhausted. But it was nothing scarfing a few candy bars couldn't fix. Let's hope for better luck next year.
Happy (stressful) Halloween!
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