Sissy attended her very first middle school dance.
When I saw the announcement for the dance I felt a little queasy. And then Sissy declared that she wanted to attend. My stomach was agitating like a top-loading washing machine.
"Why so on edge?" you might ask.
Because it's a middle school dance! I was worried Sissy wouldn't have anyone to hang out with. I was worried it would be a terrible time. I was worried she'd feel awkward. I was worried about the obnoxious pre-teen boys. Okay. Fine. I was worried about everything. I'm her mom and that's what I do.
It was a Halloween dance and costumes were allowed. Mykey and Sissy are planning on attending a Renaissance Faire in November. The costumes have already arrived from China and Sissy has been dying to wear hers. So instead of donning her actual Zelda Halloween costume, she went with the Renaissance Faire outfit.
She looked so pretty! She even made her own potion out of mineral oil and mica powder. She also filled the belt pouch with 3D printed coins - and 10 actual dollars from me. I didn't think she needed money but Sissy pointed out that there would be snacks for purchase and she needed to purchase snacks. My mistake.
She spent weeks thinking about how she would wear her hair, what friends she would go with, and what to do once she arrived at the dance. She wrote it all down in a special notebook for reference. This girl was serious about the dance.
When I picked her and her friend up at the end, they were wild with excitement. They apparently had a wonderful time jumping around in a "mosh pit" and spending my 10 dollars on chips and soda.
I was glad she had fun.
And if that wasn't enough, we then went to a pumpkin patch with her church friends. We had a great time despite the cold and Sissy even rode a mechanical bull.
It was a long and exciting day. Booney was tired at the end. All that adrenaline from worrying really wears a person out.
Hooray for our first successful middle school dance!
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