I'm at my sister's house for a visit. Eva and I are sharing a room for the next ten days. Eva thinks that if we are in the same room, certainly I want to share a bed with her. She wouldn't stop screaming last night until I reluctantly pulled her into bed with me. She then embarked on a personal mission to kick and slap me as often as her little legs and arms had the strength. All night long she kicked and rolled and flopped and smacked. It was terrible. I was curled up on the edge of the bed huddled under the blankets trying to ward off the assault. My hips and back are so sore today I feel like I need a wheelchair. We went to story time at the local library and we had to sit on the floor like barbarians. It was torture.
Eva is not allowed to sleep with me again. I don't care if she screams all night. I'll wear earplugs.
That's what all good parents do.
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