Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snowed In

We have had a legitimate snowstorm the past few days.  8 inches have accumulated so far and it is snowing again today.  For people who live in snowy climates, it would be just another storm.  For people who never see snow, i.e., Western Oregonians, it is complete pandemonium!  Roads are closed, stores are closed, it’s all anyone is talking about, and there are abandoned cars everywhere. 

It’s all very funny to me.  I’ve spent my life in the snow and this storm looks dinky compared with, say, Island Park, ID.  But I won’t take the excitement away from everyone.  I can see how it would be enchanting to be snowed in if it’s never happened before.  It also looks very pretty with the snow-covered trees.

One problem: we don’t have a snow shovel.  I gave that baby away the minute we decided to move to Oregon.  Another problem: this would be a perfect moment to fire up my snow blower.  Too bad it now belongs to my papa.  Can you imagine what kind of hero I would be if I went around the neighborhood with a snow blower?  I’d be a God.

Another missed opportunity to be revered and admired.  Dang. 




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